Do Root Canals Hurt?

Do Root Canals Hurt?

Root canals do not hurt. During root canals, patients are given anesthesia that does not hurt the patient. It generally causes a bit of numbness and soreness after the procedure and can even result in mild discomfort for a few days.

Do Root Canals Hurt?

How do you know if you need a root canal?

Root canals are necessary when teeth are damaged due to injury, genetics, deep cavities, or previous fillings. 

Common symptoms indicating the need for a root canal include-

  • Continuous toothache

If you have ongoing tooth pain, it could be a sign that you need a root canal. The pain may be constant or come and go, but it always comes back. The pain might be deep within your tooth or can also be felt in your face, jaw, or other teeth.

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold

When your tooth reacts to hot or cold temperatures, it could indicate an infection or damage to the blood vessels and nerves inside the tooth, which may require a root canal.

  • Tooth discoloration

If your tooth starts to change color, it could indicate an infection in the tooth pulp. When the internal tissue of the tooth is damaged or if there has been trauma, the roots of the tooth may be affected, resulting in a grayish-black appearance. Insufficient blood supply to the tooth can cause the pulp to die, indicating a potential need for a root canal.

  • Swollen gums

If you notice that your gums are swollen near a painful tooth, it could be a sign that a root canal is needed. The swelling may come and go and may or may not be tender to the touch.

  • Pain when you eat or touch the tooth

If your tooth hurts when you touch it or eat, it could mean you have severe tooth decay or nerve damage. Then it may require a root canal treatment, especially if the pain continues after you stop eating.

  • A chipped or cracked tooth

If you accidentally chip or crack your tooth through an injury, sports, or biting on something hard, bacteria can enter and cause inflammation and infection.

Even if your tooth is injured without any visible chips or cracks, the nerves of the tooth can still be damaged, leading to inflammation, pain, and sensitivity. It may indicate the need for a root canal treatment.

If you experience any of these symptoms, consider a quick root canal treatment to alleviate the pain and restore the health of your tooth.

Protect Your Tooth with Pain-Free Root Canal Treatment 

Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a beautiful smile! If you are experiencing extreme tooth pain or sensitivity, contact us at Pinnacle Dental Plano. Our skilled dental team is here to provide pain-free and effective root canal treatment. Make an appointment to schedule your root canal consultation and take the first step towards healthier, pain-free teeth.

When Is It Too Late To Get Dental Implants?

Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

Dental implants provide a reliable and permanent solution for missing teeth replacement. However, many people wonder if there is a specific point at which it becomes too late to consider dental implants. In simple terms, there is no strict age limit for dental implants. 

Dental implants can be a suitable solution, regardless of age, as long as you have good oral health to support the implants. However, it is important to consult a dental professional to assess your circumstances.

Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

Factors influencing eligibility for dental implants?

The eligibility for getting implants depends on the factors such as –

  1. Bone health 

One crucial factor for successful dental implant placement is the availability of healthy bone to support the implant. Over time, tooth loss can lead to bone resorption, causing the jawbone to lose density and volume. This bone loss can make it more challenging to place dental implants. However, even if a significant amount of bone has been lost, some procedures like bone grafting can rebuild the bone structure. 

Therefore, even if your jawbone is not healthy, getting dental implants with the help of additional procedures may still be possible.

  1. Gum health

Healthy gums are essential for the long-term success of dental implants. If you have advanced gum disease, addressing it before considering implant placement is crucial. Periodontal disease, if left untreated, can lead to gum recession and bone loss, compromising the stability of dental implants. 

Therefore, it is necessary to have a comprehensive evaluation of your gum health before proceeding with dental implant surgery.

  1. General health conditions

Certain medical conditions can affect the feasibility of the procedure. Uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and conditions that impair bone healing may impact the success of dental implants. A thorough discussion with your dentist and informing them about your medical history is crucial.

In some cases, with proper management of underlying health conditions, dental implants can still be considered.

Though there are no significant restrictions on getting Plano dental implants, consulting with a dental professional is essential. A dentist will evaluate your situation and provide personalized recommendations on preparing for dental implant surgery and many other essential tips.

What If You Cannot Get Dental Implants?

If you cannot get dental implants, alternative options are available to restore missing teeth and improve oral health. 

  • Dental bridges

Dental bridges are fixed prosthetic devices that replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of artificial teeth called pontics, which are held in place by attaching them to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. Dental bridges can restore your teeth’ functionality, aid you in speaking properly, improve your smile appearance, and prevent the remaining teeth from shifting.

  • Dentures

Dentures are removable prosthetic devices that can replace multiple missing teeth or even a full arch of teeth. They are custom-made to fit your mouth and can be made from acrylic or a combination of metal and acrylic. 

Dentures can provide functional and aesthetic benefits, allowing you to chew and speak more comfortably. While they may take some time to get used to, modern dentures are designed to be more comfortable and natural-looking.

Consult your dentist in Plano or prosthodontist to discuss which alternative treatment option suits your situation.

Get in Touch with Us to Restore Your Smile With Implants-

Pinnacle Dental believes in the transformative power of dental implants in restoring teeth functionality and smiles. We are committed to personalized care and dental implant treatment to meet your needs.  Call us today at (972) 801-2788 to make an appointment and experience the best dental implants with us. Trust Pinnacle Dental to get exceptional dental implant treatment that exceeds your expectations.

How To Heal Faster After Dental Implants?

How To Heal Faster After Dental Implants?

Healing after getting a dental implant is a crucial part of the overall process, and everyone wants to recover as quickly as possible to enjoy their new teeth. While the healing timeline can vary from person to person, there are several steps you can take to promote dental implant healing and reduce recovery time.

Heal Faster After Dental Implants

Tips to accelerate healing after a dental implant

Here are some valuable tips for quickly healing after dental implant surgery.

  1. Take Prescribed Medications

Dentists prescribe pain medications or antibiotics to manage discomfort and prevent infections. Take medicines on time as directed and complete the full course. 

  1. Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is crucial during healing. Gently brush your teeth twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-alcoholic, antibacterial mouthwash recommended by your dentist. Remember to floss your teeth and be gentle around the implant site.

  1. Eat Nutritious Foods

Include foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein to support tissue repair and boost your immune system. Have soft and easily chewable foods during the initial healing phase to minimize irritation to the implant site.

  1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking adequate water is important for healing as it flushes out toxins, supports proper circulation, and aids in recovery. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily unless your dentist advises otherwise.

  1. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

It’s best to refrain from smoking and limit alcohol consumption during healing as it can impede healing and increase the risk of complications by restricting blood flow.

Following your dentist’s instructions for post-operative care and recovery is the most important thing to focus on during healing.

Understand the dental implant healing process

The dental implant healing process is a series of stages after implant placement. Understanding these stages can help you manage your recovery and know what to expect. 

Stage 1: Initial Healing

After the implant surgery, your body will start healing by forming a blood clot around the implant site. This initial healing phase typically takes a few days.

Stage 2: Osseointegration

The next stage involves osseointegration, where the dental implant fuses with the jawbone. This process usually takes several weeks to a few months. During this time, it’s important to avoid putting excessive pressure on the implant to prevent disruption of the healing process.

Stage 3: Final Healing

Once osseointegration is complete, the final healing phase begins. Your dentist will place an abutment (connector) on the implant to support the crown or artificial tooth. This dental implant stage 2 recovery phase allows the gums to heal around the abutment and ensure a secure foundation for dental restoration.

If you face any trouble while recovering from dental implants, it’s crucial to consult your Plano Dental Implants dentist without delay.

What to avoid after dental implants?

To promote faster healing and avoid complications, there are certain things you should avoid after dental implant procedure:

  • Avoid hard and chewy foods that can pressure the implant site, potentially causing discomfort or implant failure.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activities for the first few days to minimize bleeding and swelling.
  • Refrain from hot and spicy foods as they can irritate the surgical site and prolong the healing process.
  • Don’t touch the implant site with your fingers or tongue. Touching or probing the area can introduce bacteria and delay the healing process.

Though these ways can enhance healing, one should have realistic expectations and be patient during the healing process.

Achieve Optimal Dental Functionality with Dental Implants

Dental implants are the solutions if you’re seeking a long-term solution that replicates the function of natural teeth. Enjoy the full range of dental functionality, from biting and chewing to speaking and smiling, with the help of dental implants at Pinnacle Dental Plano. 

Our Dentist will help you reclaim your oral health and enhance your quality of life. Consult with Dr. Steve Jang to understand the implants.

Are Dental Implants Permanent?

Are Dental Implants Permanent

Dental implants can be permanent. However, various aspects impact an implant’s durability. The biocompatible materials (which fuse with the jawbone) used to make implants create a robust and long-lasting anchor for the replacement tooth. With the right care, implants may survive for a long period, if not forever.

Though implants are permanent and long-lasting, they may rarely need adjustment or replacement due to implant failure or other complications.

What affects the longevity of dental implants?

Several factors can have an impact on how long dental implants last. Some significant factors are as follows –

  • Bone density

The success of dental implants highly depends on the amount and quality of bone tissue in the jaw. The implant could not adequately fuse with the jawbone if it is soft or lacks bone tissue.

  • Lifestyle habits

Habits such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption make it more difficult for the implant to fuse with the jawbone. Additionally, these practices may raise the chance of developing gum disease and other oral conditions that can damage the effectiveness of the implant.

  • Implant quality

The quality and design of the implant can also affect its longevity. High-quality implants made from biocompatible materials are more likely to last longer and have a higher success rate.

  • Implant placement

Proper implant placement is crucial for its success and durability. Improper placement can cause the implant to fail or lead to complications such as nerve damage.

If not correctly taken care of,  dental implants may get loose, leading to emergency replacement. Remember these things to ensure you follow good practices that do not harm your implants.

Increase the longevity of dental implants-

Dental implants are a great way to replace lost teeth, but they must be properly maintained and cared for to last. 

Here are some tips on how to increase the longevity of your dental implants –

  • Practice good oral hygiene. 

Brush your teeth twice daily, floss regularly, and use an antibacterial mouthwash to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Proper oral hygiene will help prevent gum disease and other dental issues that can compromise the stability of your implant.

  • Regular dentist visits. 

Routine dental checkups are important to identify and treat tooth abnormalities before they worsen. Additionally, your dentist will be able to keep an eye on the condition of your dental implant and make any required modifications. 

  • Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. 

Smoking and excessive drinking can weaken the bone tissue and reduce blood flow to the gums, which prevents implants from fusing with the jawbone. Drinking less alcohol and quitting smoking will enhance your mouth’s general health and boost your implant’s likelihood of success.

  • Eat a healthy diet.

The effectiveness of your dental implant depends on the condition of your teeth and gums, which may be improved by eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Avoid sugary meals and beverages since they can cause tooth decay.

  • Protect your implant. 

Avoid chewing on hard foods, ice, or other edibles that can damage your implant. Wear a mouthguard to preserve your implant while you engage in physical activities and sports or if you suffer teeth-grinding issues at night.  Your dentist may also provide other teeth-grinding or clenching treatments.

So, the key to increasing the longevity of your Plano dental implant is to take good care of your oral health, avoid unhealthy habits, and protect your implant from damage.

Get exceptional dental implant care from specialists

Dental implants can offer a long-term solution that feels and looks like your natural teeth, no matter how many teeth you are missing. To help you regain your smile and oral health, Pinnacle Dental offers a variety ofdental implants. 

Our implant dentist will choose the most effective treatment strategy for your needs. Make an appointment with the Best Dentist in Plano to regain your smile.

Is A Loose Dental Implant An Emergency?

Is a loose dental implant an emergency

Is a loose dental implant an emergency?

Loose dental implants are one of the problems that patients encounter. An implant may become loose, causing discomfort and worry for the patient. While a loose dental implant may not be an emergency, it can lead to more dental problems if not treated on time. 

Moreover, if you are also experiencing any pain, discomfort, or swelling in the area of the loose implant, or if the implant has become noticeably loose, it becomes necessary to seek immediate attention from a dentist. Sometimes, a loose implant can lead to infection or other complications requiring urgent treatment.

What are the Symptoms of Loose Dental implants?

The signs of a loose dental implant may depend on the cause of the problem and its severity. 

Some common loose implant symptoms that you may experience are as follows – 

  • Movement

If your implant is moving or wobbling, this is a clear sign that it has become loose. You may feel the movement when eating, talking, or touching the implant.

  • Pain or discomfort

You may experience uneasiness or pain near the implant. It can be mild to severe pain and may be felt when chewing or biting down on the implant.

  • Inflammation or swelling

You may notice redness, swelling, or inflammation, near the implant. This can be a sign of infection or inflammation in the area.

  • Difficulty chewing or speaking

You may have difficulty chewing or speaking properly if your implant is loose. 

  • Changes in bite

A loose implant can change how teeth come together and affect the bite. Depending on the symptoms, your dentist may need further diagnostics to ensure what caused the implant to loosen before providing any treatment.

Is a loose dental implant an emergency?

Can a loose dental implant be fixed?

Yes, a loose dental implant can often be fixed, depending on the cause and severity of the problem. Your dentist will evaluate your implant and the surrounding areas to determine the root cause.

Here is how to fix loose dental implants-

  • Tightening the abutment screw

Sometimes, a loose dental implant can be fixed by simply tightening the abutment screw that connects the implant to the restoration. This can restore stability to the implant.

  • Bone grafting

If the implant has become loose due to bone loss, your dental specialist may recommend a bone grafting procedure to restore the surrounding bone tissue and provide a stable foundation for the implant.

  • Gum treatment 

If the implant has become loose due to gum disease, your dental specialist may recommend gum treatment such as scaling and root planing or periodontal surgery to restore the health of the surrounding tissues.

  • Implant replacement 

If the implant has become damaged or failed due to a mechanical problem, it may need to be replaced entirely.

These are some treatments based on the cause behind loose implants.

Why is my dental implant loose?

Many factors, including poor oral hygiene, gum disease, or a mechanical problem with the implant, can cause a loose dental implant. A dental implant loose after one week may indicate that it failed to form a bond with the jawbone during osseointegration. 

Some others are – 

  • An infection around the implant can cause bone loss and lead to the implant becoming loose.
  • If too much pressure is applied to the implant during or after it has healed, it may become loose.
  • If the implant is not placed correctly, it may become loose over time.
  • Over time, the bones surrounding the implant may naturally reabsorb, making it loose.

These are some reasons why your dental implant may feel loose. Consult the emergency dentist if your symptoms are severe to get prompt treatment.

Restore Your Smile’s Health and Function with Dental Implants

Pinnacle dental clinic provides various dental implant services customized to your specific needs. Our experienced dental professionals create a personalized treatment plan that meets your goals. Contact our highly skilled emergency dentist in Plano anytime you find any problem with your dental implants.

How to Prepare for Dental Implant Surgery?

prepare for dental implant surgery

prepare for dental implant surgery

Dental implants are a highly effective treatment for restoring your smile and replacing lost teeth. However, having dental implants might seem like a difficult and demanding process. 

To achieve a favorable outcome, it is crucial to psychologically and physically prepare for the surgery. Proper preparation can also lessen anxiety and worry related to the surgery. 

Therefore, it is important to know that there are a few things to keep in mind and practice before implant surgery to maximize its chances of success.

Tips to get ready for implant surgery

Implant surgery may feel like an intimidating stage of dental implant takes a few hours to complete. There are several factors to consider for getting dental implants, from your lifestyle and habits to your medical history. However, surgery can be a breeze with proper preparation and guidance.

Following are a few tips you can rely on for your surgery preparation:

  1. Consult with your dentist

Before you undergo implant surgery, it’s crucial to consult with your oral surgeon to determine if dental implants are the right choice for you. They will assess the condition of your teeth and gums and determine if you have enough bone density to support the dental implants for long duration.

  1. Quit smoking

It’s vital to stop smoking before surgery, even if you do it occasionally. Smoking can delay recovery and raise the possibility of infection. You must withdraw from nicotine and smoking for at least six weeks before getting dental implants. Also, you should refrain from using nicotine patches or other nicotine products.

  1. Maintain good hygiene

Good dental hygiene before oral surgery is as crucial as after the surgery. To maintain healthy, clean teeth and gums, brush & floss your teeth regularly. Your dentist may also suggest a particular mouthwash to lower the risk of infection.

  1. Follow a healthy diet

A balanced diet is crucial for general health and might accelerate the recovery after surgery. Start eating a balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein to accelerate healing and minimize inflammation after getting the implants.

  1. Arrange for transportation

Although local anesthetic is typically used during dental implant surgery, you can still feel sleepy or lightheaded afterward. You must take someone to the appointment to take you home after the procedure.

  1. Avoid certain medicine & supplements

Don’t use prescription drugs and dietary supplements 10 days before your surgery date. It includes medicines like ibuprofen, aspirin, vitamin E, and NSAIDs. You should also avoid supplements such as fish oil, birth control pills, and estrogen supplements.  

  1. Keep away from caffeine & alcohol

Keep yourself hydrated for the two weeks before surgery, and refrain from caffeine one week before. You must avoid drinking alcohol 72 hours before your appointment. The dentist cannot properly provide anesthesia if you have consumed alcohol within 72 hours of the implant surgery.

  1. Prepare your body

You will need to fast for 12 hours before the procedure if you’re having oral surgery under general anesthesia. Also, you should dress comfortably and loosely to ensure a seamless operation.

These are some ways you can prepare for your Plano dental implant surgery at Pinnacle dental and increase its success chances.

Get in touch for hassle-free dental implants with experts

We know that dental implant surgeries are physically & mentally stressful for patients. Therefore, Pinnacle Dental ensures comprehensive dental care and proper consultation before and after the surgery. 

Schedule a consultation with the Best dentist in Plano now for a seamless dental implant experience.

How Long Does a Dental Implant Procedure Take?

Does a Dental Implant Procedure Take

Does a Dental Implant Procedure Take

The dental implant procedure is a multi-phase and long term treatment that requires several months to complete. Usually, it takes 5 to 8 months from beginning to end, including recovery after the surgery. 

The multiple phases in the implant process might vary depending on the individual oral and overall health. Typically, post-surgery recovery after implant placement itself takes around 3-6 months.

Many factors might affect how quickly the implant and replacement teeth are fitted. Single implant placement surgery may take as little as 30 minutes, but multiple implants will inevitably take longer (more than 1-2 hours).

Step-by-Step Dental Implant Procedure

Depending on the implant type and number of implants being inserted, the length of the dental implant procedure is different for every individual.

However, the below mentioned are necessary steps involved in dental implant procedures:

Step 1: Oral health evaluation

Dentists arrange a thorough checkup to evaluate your oral health before beginning the procedure. 3D scans and X-rays are part of this checkup.

Step 2: Damaged tooth removal (if required)

If your tooth requires extraction because of extensive decay or infection, the dentist waits until the infection is gone before implant placement. Otherwise, the implant is placed in the same appointment. Besides, this process is not included if you lost your tooth/teeth long before or naturally.

Step 3: Jawbone preparation/bone grafting (if required)

When undergoing implant surgery, bone grafting becomes necessary only if your jawbone is too delicate or not dense enough to sustain the implant. A weak jawline can lead to implant failure. Bone grafting is a surgery that includes transferring bone to restore and develop new bone at the damaged site. It is crucial for a robust implant foundation. 

Step 4: Implant placement surgery

This surgery is the actual first stage in the implant procedure. The titanium post (root-like structure) is placed below the gum line into your jawbone. This surgery requires a minimum of one to two hours to insert each implant.

Step 5: Bone growth and healing

Before giving the tooth replacement on implants, the dentists hold off for around three months. The reason is Osseointegration, which starts when the implant post is inserted into the jawbone. The jawbone grows and combines with the dental implant’s surface during these three months.

Step 6: Abutment placement

The abutment placement requires a minor surgery under local anesthetic after osseointegration is complete. An abutment (little cushion-like shock absorber) sits between the permanent crown and the dental implant.

Step 7: Crown placement

Your new artificial tooth is placed after the abutment is firmly in place. The dental implant is completed here. After your crown or repair is firmly in place, you may use your tooth again to its full potential.

Some of the above phases can be combined, depending on a patient’s conditions, the materials used, or the method used. So, due to these stages of a Plano dental implants procedure, it takes 5- 8 months to complete.

Contact us to restore your teeth with the best dental implants

Pinnacle Dental strives  to provide the best dental implants for secure and reliable tooth replacement. Schedule an appointment  with our skilled dentist in Plano to restore your beautiful smile. You can call us at today!

Do Dental Plans Cover Wisdom Teeth Extractions?

Do Dental Plans Cover Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Do Dental Plans Cover Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Yes, Wisdom tooth extractions are covered to some extent by many dental insurance policies. 

Generally, benefits for wisdom tooth extractions cover 50% to 80% of the dentist’s expenses. Deductibles and copays are often also applicable.

Before covering the expense of wisdom teeth extraction, several policies include a waiting period. Verify that any waiting time has been satisfied if you have recently become eligible for dental insurance coverage before arranging your wisdom teeth extraction.

What are Wisdom Teeth Extractions?

A wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical dental process to remove one or more of four permanent adult teeth known as wisdom teeth placed at the top and bottom rear corners of our mouth.

When to contact the dentist about wisdom teeth removal ?

Fortunately, there are several warning signs that may help you determine whether these third molars are developing and whether you need to have a Plano Dental care right away.

  • Infection

There is a gap between the gum and the tooth when the wisdom teeth are trying to erupt and get impacted. This area is ideal for the accumulation of food and germs, which might result in a serious illness. You should contact the dentist if you’re experiencing discomfort along with additional symptoms like a fever.

  • Pain

It may not be necessary to contact the dentist about wisdom teeth removal if your discomfort is manageable and can be treated at home. Contact your dentist if you experience persistent discomfort that extends to the nearby teeth and gums. This is because your other teeth may get crowded as a result of the wisdom teeth potentially pressing on them. 

These are a few circumstances when it’s quite possible that you’ll need to contact a dentist for a thorough evaluation.

How many wisdom teeth can you have?

Typically, most people have four wisdom teeth, each located at the top and bottom rear corners of the mouth. They usually start growing or erupt during their teenage or early twenties. However, till the time they begin to grow, the other permanent teeth make their place in the mouth leaving no place for a wisdom tooth to grow properly.  

Nevertheless, there is one out of four people who does not have all four wisdom teeth.

What is the average cost of wisdom tooth removal?

Removal of wisdom teeth in the USA can cost between $75 and $250 for each tooth. An impacted wisdom tooth can cost anything from $200 to $600. On average, removing all four wisdom teeth costs between $600 and $1100. 

It’s not always necessary to go for wisdom teeth extraction. A healthy wisdom tooth can aid in chewing without affecting your bite or oral health if it can erupt straight and in alignment with the other teeth. However, if your mouth is too small to accommodate new molars or your wisdom teeth do not emerge straight into the mouth, this might result in crowding, cysts, or infections that necessitate the removal of the wisdom teeth. 

For instance, if the wisdom tooth is problematic or you require more than one tooth pulled, you can wind up spending extra.

Schedule an appointment to get affordable wisdom teeth removal:

Pinnacle Dental offers the most advanced wisdom teeth removal with specialized dentists. Contact us for wisdom tooth extraction and the best dental treatment by expert dental professionals.

Regular Dental Check Up: A Must-Have For Good Oral Health

Regular Dental Check Up

Regular Dental Check Up

Most of the time, we tend to overlook dental issues until and unless it becomes severe. Many of us do not visit dentists due to dental anxiety and fear. But prolonged avoidance of dental or gum issues can lead to some serious diseases and even cause cancer. 

So regular dental check-ups can be lifesaving and prevent some serious diseases. Regular dental check-ups have multiple advantages like no lousy odor, strong gum, preventing teeth decay, etc. You can visit any experienced Dentist in Plano if you face any dental issues. There are a few benefits of the regular dental check-up that you need to check out below.

Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups

There are multiple benefits of regular dental check-ups. Out of them, a few are mentioned below:

Keeps Gum Diseases Away

At the early stage of gum disease, there are no significant symptoms you can experience. Only when you pay a regular visit to the dentist can they only spot gum disease at a very early stage.

The dentist primarily checks deep gum pockets, receding gums, and swelling to detect any worrying symptoms. If the dentist finds any issues, they will treat and cure the underlying cause.

Prevents Tooth Decay, Tartar, Plaque, and Cavities

It is challenging for us to clean the backside of the teeth; hence there is a high chance that Tartar, Plaque, etc., can occur. That is why it is recommended for you to visit the dentist to get the inner side of your teeth cleaned.

So that if the dentist finds tooth decay or cavities, they start fluoride treatment or use dental fillings to safeguard your teeth in case of larger cavities.

Routine Check-ups Reduces risk of Oral Cancer

In most cases, oral cancer is detected in the very late stage, which can be life-threatening. When you visit the nearest dental clinic, the dentist thoroughly checks your gums and teeth for any diseases or issues.

Dentists will also use VELscope, a special light to detect tumors, which, if left untreated, can cause cancer in the future. So, if you are paying a visit to the dentist every six months, chances are meager of late-stage cancer detection.

Get Proper Education on Dental Hygiene

Many people still do not pay enough attention to maintaining proper dental hygiene. Most people brush once a day, which is not a big deal, but this can lead to significant dental issues in the long run. So regular visits to the dentist can be beneficial for you.

If you brush twice a day after meals or use oral mouth cleaner liquid to remove bad breath and bacteria from your mouth. It can be helpful in the long term to keep your gums and teeth healthy.

Routine check-ups Prevent Future Dental Issues

If you visit your nearest dentist regularly, then one thing that you have already observed is that you face a lesser amount of dental and gum problems. Regular check-ups can help the dentist understand whether any fundamental dental issues, e.g., cavities, tooth decay, plaque, etc., are developing or not. Hence you do not have to worry about future dental problems.

Dental pain can be a real problem that leads to painful days and nights. If you do not take any precautions, you will have to face some severe consequences. 

If you have a decayed tooth and severe pain, make an appointment with the dentist. They will be able to help you!

Sedation Dentistry: Choose The Type That Suits You Best

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Most people around the globe avoid dental clinics due to the fear of dental tools and dental procedures. They only go to the dentist when they have severe problems with their teeth. Dentists, however, can use dental sedatives to calm a patient during dental procedures and even assist them in tolerating complicated operations.

It exists to reduce discomfort and anxiety before and during oral surgery and other dental procedures. Although many people have heard of & “laughing gas” or used it when receiving crowns or fillings, various types of dental sedatives are used.

Has your anxiety skyrocketed? 

You are not alone; only about 50% of adults visit the dentist regularly, usually out of fear and anxiety. However, there are various types of sedation dentistry in today’s world that can help in this matter. Many dental clinics try to reassure you by providing the following comforts:

  • A movie on the ceiling
  • Headphones
  • Comfortable dental chair
  • Blankets
  • Low sounding drills
  • A silent laser
  • New technology to numb the pain

Despite this, many people need more help due to the adverse history of dental experience. These types of Sedation Dentistry in Plano can help you relieve anxiety.  There are three main methods commonly used to promote dentist visits:

  • Nitrous oxide sedation
  • Conscious oral sedatives
  • Deep vein sedation

Let us discuss each type of sedation dentistry in more detail.

1. Laughing Gas (Nitrous Oxide)

Nitrous oxide dental sedative, also known as laughing gas, is administered through a small mask placed in the nose. Time seems to go by faster with the application of this sedative, and you can feel comfortable and happy. It is often called & laughing gas & because of the good humor that most can experience.

Sometimes the arms and legs can feel heavy, and the fingers and toes can
tingle. After your appointment, you will be instructed to breathe pure oxygen for a few minutes. You can drive safely after that because the & laughing gas& dissipates in just a few minutes. Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas will not make you fall asleep or forget things.

Potential benefits-

  • Conscious during treatment
  • Minimal side effects
  • Low cost

Possible cons-

  • Possible nausea
  • Sober and aware of the environment

2. Oral Conscious Sedation

Conscious oral sedation dentistry involves using medications that are usually taken one hour before you see the dentist. You will need someone to drive you to your appointment because you can not drive back while medicated. Usually, additional medicines can be given in the office, depending on your comfort

The most widely used drugs are benzodiazepines such as Valium and Halcion. Therefore, the patient can sleep during part of the appointment. These medicines may also cause amnesia, so you might rarely remember your dental work.

Your pulse, blood pressure, and respiration will be closely monitored during the procedure. Your escort will take you home and accompany you for a few hours after the operation to ensure your safe recovery. Potential benefits-

  • You will stay conscious.
  • Can communicate.
  • You can fall asleep during the appointment
  • You may not remember part of the appointment.
  • Low cost

Possible deficiencies-

  • You will be sleepy
  • drive home
  • Cannot resume activity immediately after operation

3. Deep sedation

An anesthesiologist or oral surgeon usually provides deep Intravenous sedation in dentistry. This form of dental sedation can completely sedate the patient. You will fall a sleep during the whole process; you will not remember the procedure. Just like conscious sedation, you must travel to and from an appointment by car and have someone watch over you for a few hours while
you recover.

Potential Advantages-

  • Unconscious
  • Does not remember the appointment
  • Falling asleep during the appointment
  • Depth and precision of sedation is higher

Potential disadvantages

  • Cannot drive
  • Cannot resume activity immediately after surgery
  • Intravenous needle placement
  • High cost

Which sedation dentistry should you choose?

The emotion of every individual experience uniquely. Your mental and psychological state would decide which sedation dentistry is the right choice for you. This heavily depends on your anxiety level, budget, and planned dental

  • Anxiety

The level of your anxiety and what you want to remember and feel will be essential factors in your choice of tranquilizers.

Few questions that you must ask yourself include:

Do you want to fall asleep or relax? If your answer is a sleep &  it is best to use deep sedation. If you remember part of the dental appointment, is it okay?
Otherwise, deep sedation will be desirable.

  • Cost

Deep sedation is the most expensive of all types of dental sedation. Dental insurance usually only covers sedatives that involve the removal of wisdom teeth. Therefore, the cost can be a decisive factor. Are you facing economic constraints? Oral sedatives may be preferable.

  • Treatment

The degree of sedation may depend on the dental treatment that is required. If you only need minor care, nitrous oxide can be successful. For example, for standard cleaning visits, nitrous oxide is usually sufficient.

If your needs are more complicated or involve surgery, you may need more profound sedation. Dental sedation is safe and rarely causes side effects. However, if you have a health problem sooner, be sure to discuss it with your dentist.

Many people can now smile confidently and eat comfortably after years of neglect, all because of sedation dentistry. Contact our experienced Dentist in Plano TX to look and feel your best today.